Living with this Chronic Illness is hard, but the adventures I have been able to enjoy so far, is far greater than the negative aspects that this illness has caused in my day to day. From California, to Florida, to Japan, i have traveled further than I have ever thought possible, and doing all of this while handling my illness has been a adventure in itself.
To Travel You Need:
Med lists,Dr notes, travel insurance, emergency contacts, medical diagnosis, knowing the laws for each country and state you visit, because what is legal in one may not be legal in another. Don't forget to protect yourself while traveling! Wear a N95 face mask, use all the sanitizing sprays, don't touch your face, eyes, or any open soars, wash your hands every chance you get, use hand sanitizer, clean every surface. and remember that even with all of that, you can still become ill and unwell. the new virus from China is a real scary and traveling is a higher risk.
Even with all the risk you will put yourself in, is it still worth it to travel? Honestly, that question is up to you and your doctor, it's not up to your mother, father, friend, friend of a friend or anyone else who wants to put in their own two-cents. The choices you make are your own choices, its your health and your path. Choosing "your" path is the most important, always. I myself do not wish to be tied down due to my illness, and unless I am at a major risk point I will continue to travel and see the world.